After eight busy months, it's hard to believe that my wedding is over and I'm a married woman! I love marriage and love Bartek even more. It is such a wonderful feeling to wake up next to my best friend every morning. He is such a wonderful man and is so good to me. I really couldn't be happier right now.
The wedding was all I had hoped for. The flowers were stunning (my sisters did them), food was incredible (my caterer was Craig Skinner--I highly recommend him!), the bluegrass band ($4 Shoe) delightful, my photographer (Stephanie Haller) a dream, and I got to spend the day surrounded by all the people I love! The weather even held out and the sun peeked out a bit as I walked down the aisle.
Of course all wedding days have to have their hiccups. We had only two (that I know of). My sweet nephew Isaac broke his arm on the zipline (though from what I hear, he is now PROUDLY sporting an awesome new cast) and Bartek's car completely died 30 miles up the highway on our way to Canada for our honeymoon. Luckily, sweet Micah, Leslie, and Molly saved the day and drove my car up so we could keep going while they drove back with the tow truck driver!
I will post pictures as they come...and as I get them. But for now, Stephanie Haller has posted some teaser pictures on her blog.
This blog is not over now that the wedding is over. Even though I don't have a wedding to plan, I've got a home to decorate. I still love finding old things and making them new.